This is the ongoing story of faith, love and family as we walk through this life with 3 sons, one daughter, one daughter in law and one grandson

Friday, October 31, 2008

Things I Love

Wow, I am back to being a blogging machine!

As I am sitting at my desk with the sun shining in on me, I thought it would be a great time to list the things that are making me happy.

1. The sun shining so brightly, especially since today is Halloween.

2. The look of our new office. We really have created a warm, inviting space for people to work in. No sterile grey or white can be found in our little office environment!

3. The positive attitude that permeats this office right now. I LOVE THAT!

4. My Lil Pea.

5. Having U*Haul home and being able to love on him.

6. Dreamsicle. Even on her most stubborn 3 year old day can still make me smile.

7. Mr. McGyver. For all of the reasons listed in my Happy Anniversary Post

8. My extended family. Really. I am so blessed to have an extended family that truly cares about what is happening with me and my fam.

9. Mr. McCrabby whom I love dearly (my father in law). You don't get more salt of the earth than him and we have such a strong connection to each other without actually gushing words of love to each other. We both just know.

10. That the election ads will soon be over. Yeah!

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About Me

I am a Christian woman, the wife of an outdoorsman and mom to a computer loving twenty something guy, a Marine, a Sailor and a three year old Princess who rules the roost and has all of us wrapped around her little finger. Add into the mix a daughter in love and the cutest grandson in the world and you have our big old house of love

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